Saturday, July 13, 2013

New potato and smoked mackerel salad

This is a simple but elegant salad that's perfect for lunch or a light summer supper. You can experiment with the ingredients, replacing mackerel with smoked salmon, adding some beetroot or other vegetables of your choice. If you are counting calories, you can swap the mayonnaise for crème fraiche, natural yoghurt and add a little horseradish for an extra kick.

New potato and smoked mackerel salad

Serves 2

300g baby new potatoes
100g baby Chantenay carrots
50g frozen peas
150g smoked mackerel
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp capers
salad of your choice: rocket salad, baby leaf salad work the best in this dish
salt and pepper

Cook the potatoes in a large pan of salted water for about 20 minutes or until tender. Drain the potatoes, halve the bigger ones and set aside to cool. 
Using the same saucepan cook your carrots, drain them and set aside to cool. Repeat the same process with the peas. The veg should have a bit of bite, so be careful not to overcook.

Mix the mayonnaise with chopped red onions and capers, then gently mix it with the cold vegetables, so it coats them. Adjust the seasoning.

Arrange your salad on a plate, top with the potato salad, then add chunks of smoked mackerel.
Serve it with fresh crusty and a glass of white wine:) Enjoy!!!

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